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March 13, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Republican Budget

(Washington, DC) – Ranking Member Johnson released the following statement after Rep. Paul Ryan released this year’s Republican Budget.

“As has been widely reported, the Republican budget would cost us millions of jobs and hurt some of the most vulnerable of our society. This budget would also hurt out nation’s ability to innovate, create jobs, and compete in the global economy. 

“This budget guts non-defense discretionary spending.  These are the investments that keep our weather satellites operating; allow research and development on topics as diverse as homeland security, the health effects of air pollution, and clean energy technologies; help us understand how to be better prepared for disasters like Superstorm Sandy; help America’s small manufacturers innovate and grow their businesses; and allow us to make investments in STEM education to help our children be ready for the jobs of the future.  Those are just a few of the essential research and development activities that this irresponsible budget would negatively impact.  And, these cuts are on top of the devastating cuts already made under the sequester. 

“I know that I am repeating myself, but I’m just going to keep on saying it every single time a Republican plan makes severe cuts to these programs.  More than 50% of our economic growth since World War II can be attributed to development and adoption of new technologies.  The path is simple.  Research and education lead to innovation.  Innovation leads to economic development and good paying jobs and the revenue to pay for more research. 

“Our investments in R&D and STEM education, whether in basic research, energy technology innovation, aeronautics and space exploration, manufacturing, climate science, or any of the other important elements of our nation’s R&D and innovation enterprise are what have allowed us to be a world leader in these fields.  If we shortchange those accounts in an attempt to cut a few more dollars from the deficit over the short-term, the reality is that we will wind up shortchanging our future economy and quality of life.”