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July 05, 2018

Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Resignation of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt

(Dallas, TX) – Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) released the following statement after President Trump announced that he had accepted the resignation of EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt.

“As I said when he was appointed, Mr. Pruitt, a man who spent his career opposing EPA’s mission to protect public health and the environment, was unfit to be the Administrator of the EPA. Given the countless ethics issues he generated by his behavior while at EPA, I honestly cannot believe it took this long for him to resign or be fired and I, along with many, many others, called on him to resign. That said, his ethical missteps were matched by the pernicious policies he pursued as EPA Administrator, including most recently his proposed “Secret Science” rule.

“Mr. Pruitt's departure is welcome, but that is no cause for letting down our guard against the detrimental environmental policies he espoused, since they appear to have been in concert with the anti-environmental views of this Administration.  I and other Members of Congress will continue the fight to allow EPA to carry out the noble mission that the American people have asked of it."