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September 29, 2024

Ranking Member Lofgren Commends Governor Newsom for Veto of Over-Restrictive California AI Bill

(SAN JOSE, CA) – Today, California Governor Newsom vetoed SB 1047, the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act. Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren, along with other Members of the California Delegation of the U.S. House of Representatives, have expressed their concern regarding the bill in letters throughout this summer. 

“I commend Governor Newsom for his decision to veto SB 1047,” said Ranking Member Lofgren. “As I have said in my letters on the matter, any AI risk framework should be based on empirical data and fit for purpose. I also believe this is an issue that should be handled at the federal level. Congress and the Administration are both moving on AI governance. I look forward to working with the Governor as we move forward.”

August 15, 2024, letter from California House Members to Governor Newsom regarding SB 1047.

August 19, 2024, letter to California Assembly Speaker Rivas regarding SB 1047 from Ranking Member Lofgren and Congresswoman Eshoo.