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April 21, 2023

Ranking Member Lofgren Statement on DHS Establishment of AI Task Force

(Washington, DC)—This morning, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of the Department on Homeland Security announced the establishment of the Department's first Artificial Intelligence Task Force.

“The pace of change for AI development has been incredible, helping to improve our national security while also dramatically changing the nature of the threats we face,” said Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA). “The Science Committee has been at the forefront of advancing research on AI technology and its many benefits and risks. We led the development and enactment the bipartisan National AI Initiative Act of 2020 to support research and standards around the use of the technology and have advanced legislation to use AI to combat human trafficking, the opioid epidemic, and cybersecurity threats. The Department of Homeland Security’s announcement today is a positive step forward to mitigating risks that arise from the technology while ensuring AI is supporting the security of our homeland.”