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March 15, 2024

Ranking Member Sorensen Introduces Bill to Foster Interagency Collaboration at NASA

 (WASHINGTON, DC)— Today, Ranking Member Eric Sorensen (D-IL) of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics introduced a bill titled, “NASA Streamlining Partnerships for Research and Education for Engineering and Science Act.” Mr. Sorensen’s bill aims to foster interagency collaboration between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and other federal agencies. The bill will allow NASA to receive and merge funds for the awarding of grants or cooperative agreements through collaborative scientific or engineering research or education projects with other agencies, which NASA currently does not have the authority to do. 

This bill will streamline interagency collaboration and advance the missions of our science agencies,” said Ranking Member Sorensen. “NASA does not currently have the authority to receive funds transferred from another agency to jointly support a project. Because of this, NASA and other science agencies are forced to jump through duplicative administrative hoops to collaborate on certain research and education projects. This bureaucratic red tape slows the pace of innovation and discovery. My bill cuts this red tape by giving NASA the authority to receive funds to support grants and cooperative agreements. Our agencies are on the cutting edge of science, and collaboration is key to achieving our shared goals while leveraging the unique expertise and capabilities of each agency. I’m proud to be introducing this bill today to help facilitate interagency research and education across space and earth sciences and engineering. I look forward to working with my colleagues to move forward through the committee and House.”