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May 06, 2014

Ranking Members Johnson and Bonamici Comment on the Third National Climate Assessment

(Washington, DC) – Today the National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee (NCADAC) released the final version of the Third National Climate Assessment.  The report addresses the serious impacts of climate change on the U.S. and the potential consequences of continued inaction.

The National Climate Assessment brings together the expertise of hundreds of the nation’s top scientists along with input from of the American public and concerned organizations.  The Administration is required to release the Assessment every four years.  Several key findings in the report relate to infrastructure damage, water quality degradation, public health concerns, and ocean acidification among many others.

Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) said, “The scientific debate over climate change is over and the impacts are growing more evident in the lives of every American.  As a Texan, I have seen the impacts myself with severe drought and record temperatures.  These conditions impact our agriculture economy, human health, water supplies, and the livelihoods of many citizens.  In addition, these changing conditions are destroying ecosystems both on land and in the ocean.” 

Ranking Member Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) of the Subcommittee on Environment said, “The challenge before us today is to take the overwhelming evidence of climate change and come together to find solutions that will save lives, protect property, and preserve our environment for generations to come.  This report makes clear that the consequences are real and we are facing them now.  I ask my colleagues in Congress to trust the well documented science and act on climate change today.”

To read more on the Third National Climate Assessment, please visit