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September 08, 2006

Rep. Johnson Conducts National Discussion on Science and Minorities

Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) today convened some of the nation’s top minds in a discussion of how to improve math and science education to encourage more underrepresented minorities to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

"Young people are our nation’s future," remarked the Congresswoman.  "Fields such as science and engineering have disproportionately low numbers of Blacks and Hispanics, especially those with advanced degrees. Today’s discussion allowed for an exchange of diverse perspectives to try and address this issue."

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson presides at the Congressional Black Caucus Science and Technology BraintrustEach year at the Congressional Black Caucus’ Annual Legislative Conference, Congresswoman Johnson hosts the Science and Technology Braintrust.  The discussion forum aims to tackle issues of the day relating to science and technology.  As more American jobs than ever before are moving overseas and American students struggle to compete with peers from around the world, the Congresswoman wanted to focus on education.

"Math and science education needs to be re-worked so that it captivates every student: black, white, rich or poor.  Effective educators are the root of our scientific workforce," said the Congresswoman.  Panelists included a star teacher, an African American graduate student, members of trade organizations focused on education and engineering, a representative from the UTeach program at U.T. Austin, and representatives from two Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

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