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December 17, 2010

Senate Passes COMPETES By Unanimous Consent

(Washington, DC) – Today,the United States Senate passed an amended version of H.R. 5116, the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 by Unanimous Consent. The legislation will need House approval.

House Committee on Science and Technology Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN) offered the following statement:
The Reauthorization passed committee on April 28 with bipartisan support, it passed the House on May 26th with bipartisan support, and now, the Senate has weighed in and approved it—unanimously.
While there have been concessions made, the Senate’s amendments preserve the intent of the Rising Above the Gathering Storm report and the original COMPETES. It keeps our basic research agencies on a doubling path, it continues to invest in high-risk, high-reward energy technology development, it will help improve STEM education, and it will help unleash American innovation. 
I am hopeful that this will come up before the House next week.  I urge my House colleagues to stand with the business community, the academic community, the scientific community, and the Senate to send a strong message that the U.S. must maintain its scientific and economic leadership.
I cannot think of anything I would rather do as one of my final acts in Congress than sending this bill, with strong bipartisan support, to the president’s desk.” 
 For more information, please visit the Committee’s website.

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