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Press Releases

December 2021
Science Committee Members Tonko and Ellzey Introduce Bipartisan Microelectronics Research Legislation
Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Leaders Beyer and Babin Statement on House Passage of NASA Enhanced Use Lease Extension Act of 2021
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on Passing of NASA Senior Advisor Mark Geyer
Chairwoman Johnson Launches Inquiry on Oil and Gas Sector Methane Leaks
November 2021
Chairwoman Johnson Celebrates House Passage of the Build Back Better Act
Chairs Johnson and Beyer Statement on Space Debris Event from Russian ASAT Test
Chairwoman Johnson Joins Congressional Delegation to United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26)
Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Asks OSTP Director Lander to Protect Spectrum Access
Chairs Johnson, Beyer, and Stevens Statement on Release of Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds Bold Commitments to Tackle Methane Emissions
October 2021
Western Science Committee Dems Introduce Comprehensive Authorization Bill to Improve U.S. Preparedness, Resilience & Response to Wildfires
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on Lancet Health and Climate Change Global Report
Chairwoman Johnson Asks EPA Administrator Regan to Review Toxic Substances Control Act Systematic Review Methodology
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds Release of EPA’s PFAS Roadmap to Address Forever Chemicals
Chairwoman Johnson Congratulates 2021 Nobel Laureates
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds Start of National Academies Study on Advancing Anti-Racism in STEM Organizations
September 2021
Chairwoman Johnson Urges Swift Consideration of President’s Nominee Christopher Frey as Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Research and Development
Chairs Johnson and Beyer Congratulate NASA on the Successful Launch of Landsat 9
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds President Biden’s Assembly of PCAST Members
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on the Passing of Former Chairman Sherwood Boehlert
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