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Press Releases

January 2020
House Passes Bipartisan Suicide Prevention and Veterans in STEM Legislation
Committee Members Introduce NASA Authorization Legislation
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on Second Warmest Year on Record Announcement
Science, Space, and Technology Committee Approves New Subcommittee Chairs
NSF Announces Designation of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope as the Vera C. Rubin Observatory
December 2019
Committee Chairs to Wheeler: “Instruct all staff at EPA to cooperate with the OIG”
Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Express Concern Over Reported Harassment at NSF
Chairwoman Johnson Urges Department of Homeland Security to Reassess BioDetection 21 Program
Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Request GAO Evaluation on Spectrum Interference Issues
Chairwoman Johnson Seeks Outstanding Information from Department of Commerce on Hurricane Dorian Investigation
Chairwoman Johnson and Senator Coons Honor Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal Awardees
House Passes Bipartisan Science Legislation
November 2019
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on the Loss of William Ruckelshaus
Chairwoman Johnson Responds to Science Committee Minority Members’ Letter of Concern
Science Committee Chairwoman Issues Subpoenas to EPA
Committee Members Seek Answers from DOE on Sole-Source Award for Production of High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium
Hidden Figures Congressional Gold Medal Act is Signed into Law
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on the Formal Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement
October 2019
Chairwoman Johnson Sends Final Request to EPA on Integrated Risk Information System Program
Chairwoman Johnson Reiterates Concerns to FCC Over Interference with Accuracy of Weather Forecasts
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