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Press Releases

June 2019
Committee Chairs Again Request Information from EPA on Decision to Halt Post-Hurricane Harvey Air Pollution Monitoring
Chairwoman Johnson’s Statement on Clean Power Plan Replacement Rule
Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Request Federal Studies of Frequency Spectrum Proposed for 5G Communications
Chairwoman Johnson and Rep. González-Colón Introduce the Vera Rubin Survey Telescope Designation Act
Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Chair Horn Comments on Opening the ISS to Commercial Opportunities
Committee Members Celebrate House Passage of Ocean Acidification Legislation
May 2019
Chairwoman Johnson Supports Sustained Funding of EPA’s Children’s Health Research
Chairwoman Johnson Requests Recovery of Scott Pruitt’s Unethical Travel Costs
Chairwoman Johnson Urges EPA Administrator Wheeler to Reinstate CASAC Review Panel
Chairwomen Johnson and Horn Question Funding Plan for NASA’s Accelerated Moon Landing Program
Chairwoman Johnson and Subcommittee Chairwoman Stevens’ Statement on U.S. Absence from Amending the Basel Convention
Chairwoman Johnson’s Statement on IPBES Biodiversity and Ecosystems Assessment
Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Introduce STEM Opportunities Act
April 2019
Subcommittee Chairwoman Haley Stevens Introduces American Manufacturing Leadership Act
Chairwoman Johnson's Statement on 20th ALA “State of the Air” Report
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on Earth Day
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds First Image of a Black Hole by Event Horizon Telescope Team and NSF
Chairwomen Johnson and Sherrill Question EPA Decision to Shift Formaldehyde Assessment from IRIS to TSCA
March 2019
Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Request Delay of 5G Spectrum Auction
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on Trump’s FY 2020 Budget Request
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