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Press Releases

November 2017
House Science Committee Democrats Ask Chairman to Invite EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt to Testify
SST and E&C Committee Leaders Send Letter to Administrator Pruitt Opposing Harmful Changes to EPA Scientific Advisory Panels
October 2017
Ranking Member Johnson Statement on Detrimental Changes to EPA Advisory Panels
SST Committee Opens Bipartisan Investigation into Alleged Sexual Harassment by Boston University Professor
Bipartisan ARPA-E Reauthorization Garners Outpouring of Support
Ranking Member Johnson Appointed as a Conferee for National Defense Authorization Act
Ranking Member Johnson Condemns Repeal of Clean Power Plan
September 2017
Facts Contradict Science Committee Majority’s Attack on NOAA’s Climate Scientists
Ranking Member Johnson Introduces Bipartisan ARPA-E Reauthorization
Science Board Applauds EPA’s IRIS Program Ahead of Committee Hearing
August 2017
Ranking Members Johnson, Bonamici, and Beyer Respond to Draft Climate Science Report
July 2017
Ranking Members Johnson, Beyer, and Bonamici Request Information from Administrator Pruitt on Proposed “Red Team - Blue Team” Exercise
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on House Vote to Establish Apollo 1 Memorial
June 2017
Ranking Members Johnson, Bonamici, and Beyer Request Investigation into EPA Interference with Environmental Scientist’s Testimony to Committee
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on DOE Release of All FY 2016 ARPA-E Funds
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on Announcement the President is Pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement
May 2017
Ranking Member Johnson Introduces STEM Opportunities Act
Ranking Member Johnson Statement on President Trump’s FY18 Budget
Democratic Committee Leaders Request Information on the Dismissal of Members of the EPA Board of Scientific Counselors
Ranking Member Johnson Responds to EPA Settlement Decision Regarding Proposed Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska
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