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Press Releases

May 2017
Ranking Member Johnson Requests Comptroller General Examine Reports of DOE Withholding Funds from ARPA-E
Ranking Member Johnson’s Rebuttal to the Chairman’s Letter to Attorney General Sessions
April 2017
Ranking Member Johnson Questions DOE Withholding Funds from ARPA-E
Ranking Member Johnson Applauds Mission of the March for Science
Ranking Member Johnson Statement on ALA’s “State of the Air” Report
Ranking Member Johnson Urges Investigation of EPA Leadership
March 2017
House Passes Another Bill That Would Harm Science at EPA
Despite Strong Democratic Opposition, House Passes Bill to Hamstring EPA
“Much Ado About Nothing” A Minority Review of the Majority’s Climate Science Investigation
Ranking Member Johnson's Statement on President Trump’s Energy Independence Executive Order
Ranking Member Johnson Statement on President Trump’s FY18 Budget Blueprint
Ranking Member Johnson Statement on EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act
NASA Transition Authorization Act Passes House
Ranking Members Johnson, Pallone, Cummings, Grijalva Urge Inspectors General to Protect Scientists and Data
Reps. Tonko, Johnson, Tsongas, Lowenthal Introduce Bill to Protect Scientific Integrity in Federal Research
February 2017
Ranking Member Johnson Statement Ahead of President Trump’s Address
Ranking Member Johnson Alerts Administrator Pruitt of Environmental Repercussions of Pebble Mine
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Confirmation of Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on Chairman’s Re-Issuance of Subpoenas to NY & MA Attorneys General
Ranking Member Johnson’s Response to Majority Criticism of Minority’s Cybersecurity Oversight Request
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