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Press Releases

February 2017
Ranking Member Beyer’s Statement in Response to Majority Criticism of Minority’s Cybersecurity Oversight Request
Democrats Announce Subcommittee Assignments and Ranking Members
Ranking Member Johnson, Congressman Beyer and Congressman Lipinski Ask Committee Republicans to Look into President Trump’s Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities and Practices
Republicans Cite Tabloid Story in Attacking NOAA Climate Science, Story Falls Apart within Days, Republicans Double Down
January 2017
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on NASA’s Day of Remembrance
Ranking Member Johnson Introduces Apollo 1 Memorial Act on the 50th Anniversary of the Tragedy
House Passes Energy Research and Innovation Bill
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Passing of Eugene Cernan
Committee Introduces Bipartisan Nuclear R&D Bill
House Passes Bipartisan Weather Research Bill
December 2016
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Passing of Vera Rubin
Ranking Member Johnson Comments on EPA Inspector General’s Report on Preservation of Text Messages
Ranking Member Johnson Statement on the Passage of S.3804, the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act
Ranking Member Johnson Statement on the Passing of John Glenn
House Passes Astronaut Healthcare Bill
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Nomination of Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator
November 2016
Ranking Member Johnson Statement on Successful Launch of GOES-R Satellite
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Passing of Renowned Scientist Ralph Cicerone
October 2016
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the "Nation's Report Card: 2015 Science"
Ranking Member Johnson Applauds 2016 Nobel Laureates
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