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Press Releases

May 2015
Energy Subcommittee Explores Innovative Nuclear Fission and Fusion Technologies
Energy Subcommittee Discusses Grid-Scale Energy Storage and Battery Innovations
April 2015
Committee Passes NASA Reauthorization by Party-line Vote
Subcommittee Democrats Emphasize Health-Based Rationale for Ozone Standards
ICYMI – The Hill: Congress, we have a problem
Democrats Highlight Public Health Concerns related to Fracking and Advocate for Local Communities’ Rights
ICYMI – Roll Call: Washington Is Broken: Partisan Legislation to Authorize American Research Is the Wrong Approach
Ranking Member Johnson Introduces Democratic America Competes Reauthorization
Republicans Pass Partisan America COMPETES amidst Strong Democratic Opposition
ICYMI – Washington Post: FBI admits flaws in hair analysis over decades
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Majority’s COMPETES Legislation
Subcommittee Reviews the NASA Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2016
Republicans Hold yet another Hearing Attempting to Dismiss the Scientific Evidence behind Climate Change
GAO Study: Federal Agencies Split on Collecting Demographic Data for Recipients of Federal Research Grants
Ranking Member Johnson Calls on President to Immediately Remove Commerce Inspector General Todd Zinser
March 2015
Ranking Member Johnson's Floor Statement on Troubled IG
Committee Holds Hearing to Unjustly Attack EPA
Committee Passes Bipartisan Weather Research Bill
Energy Subcommittee Discusses the Value of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Investments at DOE
Subcommittee Gets Update on the James Webb Space Telescope
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