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Press Releases

April 2013
Subcommittee Reviews NSF’s FY 2014 Budget Request
Subcommittee Democrats Reveal Republican Hypocrisy in Addressing Federal Wind Energy Initiatives
House Passes Networking and Information Technology R&D and Cybersecurity R&D Legislation
Committee Marks Up Legislation to Undermine EPA
Donna Edwards Statement on the 32nd Anniversary of the First Space Shuttle Mission
Ranking Member Johnson Statement on the President’s FY2014 Budget Request
Committee Democrats Discuss Need to Detect and Prepare for Near-Earth Objects Smaller Than Currently Mandated
Ranking Member Johnson Reintroduces the Advancing Innovative Manufacturing Act
March 2013
Ranking Member Johnson Hosts 10th Annual Math & Science Lecture Series
Ranking Member Johnson Introduces the STEM Opportunities Act
Subcommittee Examines NIST Laboratories
Subcommittee Democrats Criticize Proposed Amendments to ERDDA
Committee Reviews Federal Activities Regarding Near-Earth Objects
Committee Considers Cybersecurity R&D and Networking and Information Technology R&D Bills
Energy Subcommittee Emphasizes Role of Continued Federal Support for Energy Technologies
Subcommittee Highlights Importance of Federal Investment in STEM Education to Secure American Competitiveness
Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Republican Budget
Subcommittee Discusses Benefits of Open Access to Research Data and Challenges in Implementation
Ranking Member Johnson Applauds Nominations of Moniz and McCarthy
February 2013
Subcommittee Democrats Discuss Ways to Restore Stability and Direction to NASA
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