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Press Releases

November 2012
GAO Asked to Review Escalating Executive Compensation of Federal Contractors
Committee Examines Proposals to Improve Logistical Support of the U.S. Antarctic Program
Subcommittee Receives Update on Health IT Standards and Interoperability
October 2012
GAO Issues Report on the Energy-Water Nexus
Ranking Member Johnson Congratulates Nobel Prize Winners
Committee Democrats Issue Statement on Richard Whitcomb's Induction to the National Aviation Hall of Fame
September 2012
Reps. Edwards, Eshoo, Markey: Hacking Threats to Implantable Medical Devices Call For Improved FDA Oversight
Ranking Member Johnson's Statement on H.R. 4158
Ranking Member Johnson Congratulates the Golden Goose Awardees for Their Groundbreaking Research Accomplishments
Committee Democrats Raise Concerns about NASA’s Commercial Crew Program
Subcommittee Democrats Emphasize the Need for Stable Funding for NASA’s SLS and Orion Programs
Ranking Member Johnson's Statement on Government Spending Accountability Act of 2012 (H.R. 4631)
August 2012
Ranking Member Johnson and Ranking Member Costello Issue Statements on the Passing of Neil Armstrong
Ranking Member Johnson and Ranking Member Costello Congratulate NASA on Mars Rover Curiosity’s Successful Landing
Science Democrats Examine Suborbital Space Industry’s Request for “Learning Period” before Federal Safety Rules Are Imposed
Subcommittee Discusses Partnerships between Businesses and Research Universities
July 2012
Subcommittee Democrats Review Progress and Challenges of DOE’s Alternative Vehicle Technologies
Committee Holds Hearing on Drought, Democrats Emphasize Need to Better Understand Climate Change’s Role
Ranking Member Johnson Issues Statement on the Passing of Dr. Sally Ride
Ranking Member Johnson Commends Blue Ribbon Panel’s Antarctica Report
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