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Press Releases

July 2012
Committee Democrats Discuss R&D to Detect Terrorist Threats, Including the Vital Role of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Ranking Member Johnson Praises Report on Advanced Manufacturing
Ranking Member Johnson Applauds President Obama’s Plan to Create a Master Teacher Corps
Subcommittee Discusses NSF’s I-Corps Program
Ranking Member Johnson Introduces Forensic Science Legislation
Democrats Highlight Importance of the Nation’s Investments in NASA that Strengthen the American Economy, and Improve Our Daily Lives
Ranking Member Johnson Reacts to NOAA’s “2011 State of the Climate” Report
Ranking Member Johnson Introduces Legislation to Help American Manufacturers Remain Competitive
June 2012
Subcommittees Review Progress on Weather Satellite Programs
Subcommittee Discusses the Future of America’s Research Universities
Problems in Managing Critical Isotopes May Leave the US Subject to Surprise Shortages
Democrats Highlight DOE User Facilities as Critical Tools for Supporting U.S. Technological Innovation
Committee Democrats Review OSTP’s Initiatives and Challenges
Subcommittee Discusses Technology Transfer from Universities
Subcommittee Democrats Examine Issues Surrounding Potential Extension of Commercial Space Launch Indemnification Provisions
Democrats Call for Thoughtful Discussion of EPA Regulatory Costs and Benefits
May 2012
Subcommittee Examines Proposal to Help Revitalize Manufacturing
Science Committee Democrats Congratulate SpaceX and NASA on Successful Berthing to the ISS
Ranking Member Johnson's Statement on H.R. 5826 and H.R. 5827
Ranking Member Johnson Introduces Clean Water Research Bills
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