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October 05, 2005

Udall Praises Boulder NIST Nobel Prize Winner

Westminster, CO - Congressman Mark Udall (D-Eldorado Springs), a member of the House Committee on Science and Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics, released the following statement regarding Dr. John Hall being awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize for Physics:

"All Coloradans can be proud of Dr. John Hall for receiving the 2005 Nobel Prize for Physics for developing a laser-based precision spectroscopy.  The implications from his work are wide-reaching, from new technologies in communications and animation to better navigation for spacecraft.  NIST, JILA, and the University of Colorado can now boast three Nobel Laureates, which is testament to the groundbreaking and vital research being performed at these institutions

"Colorado continues to be on the cutting edge in science and technology and that is an inspiration for many young people who may want to pursue their interests in science."

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