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Press Releases

April 17, 2013

Subcommittee Reviews NSF’s FY 2014 Budget Request

(Washington, DC) - Today the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Research held a hearing to review the Administration’s fiscal year (FY) 2014 budget request for the National Science Foundation (NSF).  Testifying before the Subcommittee were Dr. Cora Marrett, Acting Director of NSF, and Dr. Dan Arvizu, Chairman of the National Science Board. Ranking Member of the Research Subcommittee, Dan Lipinski (D-IL) said in his opening statement, “I understand that America …  Continue Reading 

April 16, 2013

Subcommittee Democrats Reveal Republican Hypocrisy in Addressing Federal Wind Energy Initiatives

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittees on Oversight and Energy held a joint hearing to discuss wind energy initiatives such as tax credits and Department of Energy loan guarantees.  A recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on wind energy requested by the Majority was also discussed.  Testifying before the Subcommittees were Mr. Frank Rusco, Director of Natural Resources and the Environment with the GAO, Dr. Robert Michaels, …  Continue Reading 

April 16, 2013

House Passes Networking and Information Technology R&D and Cybersecurity R&D Legislation

(Washington, DC) - As part of “cyber week,” the House of Representatives today passed H.R. 967, the Advancing America’s Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act of 2013, and H.R. 756, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013. H.R. 967 reauthorizes the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) program. NITRD is a multi-agency research initiative designed to ensure continued U.S. leadership in computing systems, advanced networking, …  Continue Reading 

April 12, 2013

Committee Marks Up Legislation to Undermine EPA

(Washington, DC) - Yesterday, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a markup of H.R. 875, a bill to provide for a comprehensive assessment of the scientific and technical research on the implications of the use of mid-level ethanol blends, and H.R. 1422, the EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of 2013.  Both bills passed out of Committee despite unanimous opposition from the Committee Democrats. At the markup, Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) emphasized the …  Continue Reading 

April 12, 2013

Donna Edwards Statement on the 32nd Anniversary of the First Space Shuttle Mission

“Thirty-two years ago today, on April 12, 1981, NASA astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen blasted into the record books on the world’s first Space Shuttle flight, returning this Nation to human space flight after a nearly six year hiatus following the last Apollo-era flight.  NASA, Rockwell International (now Boeing), Martin Marietta (now Lockheed Martin), Thiokol (now ATK), and the entire government/industrial team responsible for the design, construction, and flight of the spacecraft, as …  Continue Reading 

April 10, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson Statement on the President’s FY2014 Budget Request

(Washington, DC) - Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) offered the following statement after the release of the President’s Fiscal Year 2014 Budget: “There is a lot to digest in the budget request from the President, so I will simply give my initial reactions to the parts of the budget that fall under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, namely, our federal investments in research and development and STEM education.  “While there are specific elements of …  Continue Reading 

April 10, 2013

Committee Democrats Discuss Need to Detect and Prepare for Near-Earth Objects Smaller Than Currently Mandated

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held the second of two hearings on Threats from Space.  The first hearing focused on government efforts in detecting, tracking, and monitoring near-Earth objects (NEOs).  Today’s hearing focused on private sector efforts.  Testifying before the Committee were Dr. Ed Lu, Chairman and CEO of the B612 Foundation; Dr. Donald K. Yeomans, Manager of the Near-Earth Objects Program Office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory …  Continue Reading 

April 10, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson Reintroduces the Advancing Innovative Manufacturing Act

(Washington, DC) - Today, Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) announced the introduction of H.R. 1421, the Advancing Innovative Manufacturing (AIM) Act of 2013, to accelerate research, development, and innovation in advanced manufacturing and improve the competitiveness of American manufacturers.  The legislation is very similar to H.R. 6081, the Advancing Innovative Manufacturing (AIM) Act of 2012, introduced by Ms. Johnson in the 112th Congress. H.R. 6081 was not taken up by the …  Continue Reading 

March 27, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson Hosts 10th Annual Math & Science Lecture Series

(Dallas, TX) - Today, Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), hosted the 10th Annual Math and Science Lecture Series at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Magnet Center located in Dallas, Texas. “The students are the future, and the Nation is depending on them,” said Ms. Johnson. “In order to remain globally competitive, we must have more students interested in the STEM fields.” The University of Texas at Dallas created the Eddie Bernice Johnson Math and Science Lecture Series in honor of …  Continue Reading 

March 22, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson Introduces the STEM Opportunities Act

(Washington, DC) - Yesterday, Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) introduced H.R. 1358, the STEM Opportunities Act of 2013.  The legislation combines two bills that Ms. Johnson had introduced in past Congresses, the Broadening Participation in STEM Education Act and the Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Act. Ms. Johnson said, “Many reports over the past decade have found that it is critical to our Nation’s economic leadership and global …  Continue Reading 

March 20, 2013

Subcommittee Examines NIST Laboratories

(Washington, DC) - Today, the Subcommittee on Technology held a hearing to examine the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) laboratories in preparation for a reauthorization of NIST.  Testifying before the Subcommittee were Dr. Willie E. May, the Associate Director for Laboratory Programs at NIST, and Dr. Ross B. Corotis, a professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder and a Member of the Laboratory Assessments Board at the National Research Council of the National …  Continue Reading 

March 20, 2013

Subcommittee Democrats Criticize Proposed Amendments to ERDDA

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Environment held a hearing titled “Improving EPA’s Scientific Advisory Processes.”  The hearing was held to examine the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) independent scientific advisory boards and panels.  The Subcommittee discussed draft legislation that addressed the EPA’s process for receiving independent scientific advice, selecting expert advisors, limiting non-scientific policy advice, …  Continue Reading 

March 19, 2013

Committee Reviews Federal Activities Regarding Near-Earth Objects

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a hearing titled, “Threats from Space:  A Review of U.S. Government Efforts to Track and Mitigate Asteroids and Meteors, Part 1,” to hear testimony on the roles and responsibilities of agencies in detecting, tracking, and monitoring near-Earth objects (NEOs), including those that are potentially hazardous; the resources, technologies and methods used; and coordination between government agencies or …  Continue Reading 

March 14, 2013

Committee Considers Cybersecurity R&D and Networking and Information Technology R&D Bills

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology held a markup of H.R. 756, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013, and H.R. 967, the Advancing America’s Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act of 2013.  H.R. 756 would, among other things, require federal agencies to create a strategic plan guiding the overall direction of federal cybersecurity research and development (R&D); reauthorize cybersecurity research at the National Science …  Continue Reading 

March 14, 2013

Energy Subcommittee Emphasizes Role of Continued Federal Support for Energy Technologies

(Washington, DC) - On Wednesday, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Energy held a hearing titled “Federal Financial Support for Energy Technologies: Assessing Costs and Benefits.” The purpose of the hearing was to receive testimony regarding various forms of Federal financial support for the development and production of fuels and energy technologies, including tax incentives, loan guarantees, and direct spending on research, development, demonstration and …  Continue Reading 

March 13, 2013

Subcommittee Highlights Importance of Federal Investment in STEM Education to Secure American Competitiveness

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Research held a hearing on industry and non-profit philanthropic (STEM) initiatives. Testifying before the Subcommittee were Ms. Shelly Esque, President of the Intel Foundation and Vice President of Legal and Corporate Affairs and Director of the Corporate Affairs Group at Intel Corporation; Dr. Bob Smith, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Engineering and Technology at Honeywell …  Continue Reading 

March 13, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson’s Statement on the Republican Budget

(Washington, DC) - Ranking Member Johnson released the following statement after Rep. Paul Ryan released this year’s Republican Budget. “As has been widely reported, the Republican budget would cost us millions of jobs and hurt some of the most vulnerable of our society. This budget would also hurt out nation’s ability to innovate, create jobs, and compete in the global economy.  “This budget guts non-defense discretionary spending.  These are the investments that keep our weather satellites …  Continue Reading 

March 05, 2013

Subcommittee Discusses Benefits of Open Access to Research Data and Challenges in Implementation

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Research held a hearing on the issue of access to data from federally funded published research and the vital role access plays in maintaining the scientific integrity and transparency of peer reviewed research.  Testifying before the Subcommittee were Dr. Bruce Alberts, Editor-in-Chief, Science Magazine and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of California-San …  Continue Reading 

March 04, 2013

Ranking Member Johnson Applauds Nominations of Moniz and McCarthy

(Washington, DC) - This morning the President announced his intent to nominate Dr. Ernest Moniz to lead the Department of Energy, and Ms. Gina McCarthy to lead the United States Environmental Protection Agency.  Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson reacted favorably to the announcement and said the following: “It is undeniable that DOE Secretary Chu and EPA Director Lisa Jackson have left large shoes to fill by their successors. Dr. Chu has been a tireless champion for sustainable energy and a …  Continue Reading 

February 27, 2013

Subcommittee Democrats Discuss Ways to Restore Stability and Direction to NASA

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Space held a hearing to discuss ways to restore stability and direction to NASA.  As part of that discussion, Members heard testimony about H.R. 823, the Space Leadership Preservation Act of 2013.  This is the first hearing to inform the Committee as it begins to prepare for NASA reauthorization.  According to the bill’s sponsors, the purpose of the Space Leadership Preservation Act of 2013 is to …  Continue Reading 

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