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May 2019
Chairwoman Stevens' Opening Statement for NSF FY20 Budget Request Hearing
Chairwoman Johnson’s Statement on IPBES Biodiversity and Ecosystems Assessment
Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Introduce STEM Opportunities Act
H.R. 2528, the STEM Opportunities Act of 2019
Chairman Lamb's Opening Statement for U.S. Civilian Nuclear Industry Field Hearing
Chairwoman Johnson's Opening Statement for U.S. Civilian Nuclear Industry Field Hearing
Chairwoman Johnson’s Opening Statement for Markup of H.R. 34, H.R. 2397, H.R. 1237, H.R. 1716, H.R. 1921, and H.R. 988
April 2019
Subcommittee Chairwoman Haley Stevens Introduces American Manufacturing Leadership Act
Chairwoman Johnson’s Opening Statement for Hearing on Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling
Chairwoman Stevens’ Opening Statement for Hearing on Emerging Technologies in Plastics Recycling
H.R. 2397, the American Manufacturing Leadership Act
Chairwoman Johnson’s Opening Statement for NOAA FY20 Budget Request Hearing
Chair Fletcher’s Opening Statement for NOAA FY20 Budget Request Hearing
Chairwoman Johnson's Statement on 20th ALA “State of the Air” Report
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on Earth Day
Letter to Comptroller General Dodaro Requesting Follow-on Review of EPA's IRIS Program
Follow Up Letter to EPA Administrator on Halt of Post-Hurricane Harvey Response
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds First Image of a Black Hole by Event Horizon Telescope Team and NSF
Chairwoman Johnson Statement for Markup of Ocean Acidification Legislation
Chair Fletcher Statement for Markup of Ocean Acidification Legislation
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