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Staff Reports

December 2022
Committee Members Congratulate NIF on Breakthrough Achievement of Fusion Ignition
Chairs Johnson and Beyer Congratulate NASA and Partners after Orion’s Successful Return
Energy Subcommittee Leaders Bowman and Weber Introduce Wind Energy Research Bill
H.R. 9432, Airborne Wind Energy Research and Development Act
Chairwoman Johnson Opening Statement for Hearing on Building a Safer Antarctic Research Environment
November 2022
Science Committee Members Stevens and Tonko Visit NIST
Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas urge FCC to limit spectrum sharing to avoid harmful interference in the 1675-1680 MHz band
Letters to FCC on NOAA SPRES Study
Chairwoman Johnson Opening Statement for Hearing on Initial Results from the James Webb Space Telescope
Chairman Beyer Opening Statement for Hearing on Initial Results from the James Webb Space Telescope
Science Committee Members Celebrate Successful Launch of Artemis I
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds Biden Administration Plan to Address Methane Emissions
Letter to Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro on Authorizing Funding in CHIPS and Science Act
Science Committee Chairs Applaud Successful Launch of JPSS-2 Satellite
Chairwoman Johnson Celebrates National STEM Day
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds Biden-Harris Administration Announcement of 1.5 Billion for U.S. National Labs
October 2022
Chairwoman Johnson and Ranking Member Lucas Send Letter to OSTP Director Prabhakar Requesting Implementation Details of New Memorandum on Access to Federally Funded Research
Letter to the Office of Science and Technology Policy on Research Access
Chairwoman Johnson Statement on the National Strategy for the Arctic Region
Chairwoman Johnson Applauds the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights
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