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March 08, 2019

Views and Estimates of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on the FY 2020 Budget Request for Submission to the Budget Committee

While it obviously is impossible to prepare a comprehensive review of the President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget request given that the FY 2020 budget request has not yet been released to Congress, we would note that in the President’s FY 2019 budget request we witnessed a continued disregard for science as massive cuts were made to vital research and development (R&D) funding. Unfortunately, we again expect to see more proposed cuts in crucial funding areas like R&D, innovation, education, and technology in the FY 2020 request. We will not attempt to engage in detailed discussion of recommended funding levels for specific programs in these Views and Estimates. However, upon the release of the President’s FY 2020 budget, we urge the Budget Committee, as it works to craft its Budget Resolution, to reject further cuts to civilian R&D and science and technology programs. These programs are vital to our scientific enterprise and further cutbacks would put our nation’s global competitiveness in jeopardy. We need to invest in our research agencies NASA, NOAA, NSF, NIST, DOE, EPA, and others that enhance America’s economic strength, address our national priorities, advance knowledge, and inspire our youth.