Full Committee Markup of H.R. 2225, H.R. 3593
Opening Statement
Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX)
Statements for the Record
Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson's (D-TX) Statement on the Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute for H.R. 3593, the "Department of Energy Science for the Future Act"
H.R. 2225, the “National Science Foundation for the Future Act” - favorably reported to the House
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R. 2225 offered by Chairwoman Johnson (D-TX) and Ranking Member Lucas (R-OK) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment #013 to H.R. 2225 offered by Ms. Lofgren (D-CA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment #041 to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Foster (D-IL) - withdrawn
- Amendment to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Babin (R-TX) - withdrawn
- Amendment #012 to H.R. 2225 offered by Ms. Lofgren (D-CA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 2225 offered by Ms. Wild (D-PA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment #026 to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Waltz (R-FL) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Posey (R-FL) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Feenstra (R-IA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. McNerney (D-CA) and Mr. Meijer (R-MI) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Perlmutter (D-CO) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment #025 to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Waltz (R-FL) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. McNerney (D-CA) and Mr. Feenstra (R-IA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Beyer (D-VA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Lamb (D-PA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment #043 to H.R. 2225 offered by Mr. Foster (D-IL) - passed by voice vote
Endorsements and additional information for H.R. 2225
H.R. 3593, the “Department of Energy Science for the Future Act” - favorably reported to the House
- Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to H.R.3593 offered by Chairwoman Johnson (D-TX) and Ranking Member Lucas (R-OK) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 3593 offered by Mr. Foster (D-IL) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 3593 offered by Ms. Moore (D-WI) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 3593 offered by Mr. Meijer (R-MI) and Mr. McNerney (D-CA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 3593 offered by Ms. Lofgren (D-CA) - withdrawn
- Amendment to H.R. 3593 offered by Mr. McNerney (D-CA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 3593 offered by Mr. Beyer (D-VA) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 3593 offered by Mr. Foster (D-IL) - withdrawn
- Amendment to H.R. 3593 offered by Mr. Waltz (R-FL) - passed by voice vote
- Amendment to H.R. 3593 offered by Mr. Posey (R-FL) - passed by voice vote