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March 27, 2023

Science Committee Leaders Introduce Bipartisan DOE Partnership Bills

(Washington, DC)--Last week, House Science, Space, and Technology Committee leaders introduced two bipartisan bills to advance opportunities for the Department of Energy (DOE) to strengthen longstanding interagency research partnerships.

H.R. 1713, the DOE and USDA Interagency Research Act, was introduced by House Science Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) and Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA). The bill authorizes cross-cutting and collaborative research and development activities between the DOE and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Partnering together to address multidisciplinary research challenges will advance crop science, maximize carbon storage, enhance precision agriculture technologies, and more.

“As a Representative of an agriculturally rich district in California, I am proud to cosponsor this bill,” said Ranking Member Lofgren. “This bipartisan legislation codifies long-standing research collaborations between DOE and USDA to advance renewable energy, the bioeconomy, and energy efficiency and emission reduction activities in rural America. Strengthening the partnership between these two agencies is huge gain for American communities and our climate.”

“As a farmer and rancher, I understand the complex challenges facing our agriculture industry,” Chairman Lucas said. “The Department of Energy plays a critical role in the U.S. research ecosystem through its unparalleled expertise and resources. Leveraging this research partnership with USDA will ensure we are maximizing resources and federal research dollars, while overcoming challenges advancing production agriculture through transformative science and technology solutions. I want to thank Ranking Member Lofgren for her support on this bill as we further address our national research priorities.”

H.R. 1715, the Advanced Weather Model Computing Development Act, introduced by Environment Subcommittee Chairman Max Miller (R-OH) and Ranking Member Deborah Ross (D-NC), advances numerical weather and climate prediction by directing the DOE and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to conduct collaborative research. Leveraging DOE's high-performance computing capabilities to analyze NOAA’s complex and large weather data sets will improve forecasting, climate modeling, and more.

“Access to additional high-performance computing is an immediate need for NOAA to improve weather and climate forecasting and modeling,” said Ranking Member Ross. “As climate change continues to drive a growing number of severe weather events, the capability to provide more accurate and timely forecasts is critical to protecting Americans. This bill will enable NOAA to do just that by fostering a partnership with the Department of Energy that will tap DOE’s computing resources and expertise to advance modeling. I’m proud to have joined Chairman Miller to introduce this legislation that will help improve the safety of North Carolinians and communities across the nation.”

“Americans depend on accurate weather forecasting both for planning and for safety during severe storms,” Chairman Miller said. “The tragedy we just saw in Mississippi and Alabama reminds us of the vital significance of this technology. This bill directs the Department of Energy and NOAA to collaborate on advanced modeling and research to ensure that our nation remains on the cutting-edge of this science.”