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Press Releases

May 13, 2010

Chairman Gordon Comments After Pulling COMPETES from Consideration

(Washington, DC) - Today, House Leadership pulled H.R. 5116, the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010, from consideration at Chairman Gordon’s request after the Minority offered a Motion to Recommit that cut funding for the basic research programs, on top of the 10.3 percent reduction from the bill as introduced that was adopted at the Committee Markup; defunded the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy, which is pursuing revolutionary breakthroughs in clean energy technology; …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Research and Science Education Subcommittee Chairman Daniel Lipinski's Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery Madam Speaker, I rise today in strong support of this bill, crafted under the exceptional leadership of Chairman Gordon. As an original cosponsor of the bill and chairman of the Research and Science Education Subcommittee, I firmly believe that it is critical to maintaining America's global competitiveness. Passage of this bill will help produce a brighter future for our nation and our nation's workers - or more simply, this bill means jobs. As a former …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

House Prepares for Key Vote with Innovation Bill

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House of Representatives began consideration of H.R. 5116, the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010. “If we are to reverse the trend of the last twenty years, where our country’s technology edge in the world has diminished, we must make the investments necessary today,” said Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN). “The statistics speak for themselves. More than half of our economic growth since World War II can be attributed to development and adoption …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee Chairwoman Gabrielle Giffords's Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery Three years ago this body recognized the importance that science and technology will play in the 21st century economy and took action by passing the America COMPETES Act of 2007. We heeded the warnings of the National Academies Report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm; American students were falling behind in science and mathematics, and with their falling grades went our ability to remain competitive in a global economy. That is why I offered amendments …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Chairman Bart Gordon's Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery Madam Chair, thank you, and I yield myself such time as I may consume. On October 12, 2005, in response to a bipartisan request by the Science and Technology Committee and some of our colleagues in the Senate, the National Academies released the report Rising Above the Gathering Storm. The distinguished panel, led by Norm Augustine the former CEO of Lockheed Martin which also included Craig Barrett of Intel, the current Secretary of Energy Steve Chu and a …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Brad Miller's Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery Madame Speaker, I rise today in support of the reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act. If the next generation of Americans is to be as prosperous as ours, we must regain our edge in technology, innovation, and education. This bill will do just that. Before this recession, the industries that North Carolinians traditionally relied upon--textiles, tobacco, furniture-- suffered one loss after another. Now unemployment in North Carolina is more than 11% and …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Rep. Russ Carnahan’s Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery Thank you, Madam Speaker. I can't think of a better time than now to invest in America's can-do spirit. I would like to thank our Chairman Bart Gordon for his years of devotion working to ensure America is prepared to compete globally. America has been at the forefront of every technological innovation of the last century and most of our jobs since World War II have been created by new technology and innovation. I believe we can continue to lead the world in …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Rep. Marcia Fudge's Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery I want to congratulate Chairman Gordon and Ranking Member Hall on this landmark legislation. I'm proud to have had the opportunity to work with him on this critical initiative. I represent Cleveland, an area that is rapidly strengthening its science and technology resume. The Cleveland Clinic and University Hospital in my district are performing revolutionary biomedical research. Research and development efforts are supported by the students and faculty at …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Rep. Gary Peters's Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery I rise today in support of the America COMPETES Act. This bill will enhance our nation's competitiveness, bolster research and science education and support the needs of small businesses and America's 21st century manufacturing sector. Small businesses have created nearly 2 of 3 new jobs in our country in the past 15 years. Small businesses will fuel our economic growth, and small and mid-sized manufacturers are particularly important to creating sustained job …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Technology and Innovation Subcommittee Chairman David Wu's Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery Thank you, Madam Speaker. I rise today in strong support of the America COMPETES reauthorization, and I am particularly proud of the contribution my subcommittee-the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee-has made to this legislation. Innovation is critical to our nation's long-term global competitiveness, and we have a responsibility to support the kind of economic environment that empowers our nation's private sector to innovate and create jobs. The …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Rep. Lynn Woolsey's Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery Madam Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.R. 5116, the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act. I want to commend Chairman Gordon for his hard work in bringing this bipartisan bill to the Floor. I believe in science -- and that with enough support -- our scientists can solve almost any problem put in front of them. But at the end of the day, this bill is about jobs. Investments in basic and applied research, green manufacturing jobs, and high risk, …  Continue Reading 

May 12, 2010

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson's Floor Speech on H.R. 5116, the COMPETES Reauthorization

As prepared for delivery Madam Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 5116, the America COMPETES Act Reauthorization. My colleagues and I on the Committee on Science and Technology have held numerous hearings and markups to prepare the legislation that is before the House today. It puts the National Science Foundation and Department of Energy's Office of Science on a path to double their research budgets. It will help to prepare thousands of new teachers and provide current teachers …  Continue Reading 

May 11, 2010

Report Released Today Illustrates Companies, Jobs Created Through Federally-Funded Basic Research

 (Washington, DC) - Today, a report titled “Sparking Economic Growth: How federally funded university research creates innovation, new companies and jobs” was released by the Science Coalition, a non-profit, nonpartisan organization of 45 of the nation’s leading public and private research universities. The report identifies 100 companies that are the result of federal investments in basic research, including Google, Genentech, A123 Systems, and Arbor Networks. The companies …  Continue Reading 

May 06, 2010

Subcommittee Chairwoman Giffords Congratulates NASA on Successful Launch Abort Test

(Washington, DC) -This morning, NASA successfully completed the first fully integrated flight test of the launch abort system being developed for the Orion crew vehicle.  The test is part of an ongoing program to ensure the safety of the vehicles being developed for future human space flight and exploration missions. The test was conducted at the Orion Abort Flight Test Launch Complex at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range near Las Cruces, N.M. Space and Aeronautics …  Continue Reading 

May 05, 2010

Research Needed to Better Predict, Understand Impact of Volcanic Ash on Aircraft, Subcommittee Hears

(Washington, DC) -The House Committee on Science and Technology's Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics held a hearing to examine the role that federal research can play in understanding the impact that volcanic ash clouds have on aircraft operations. Most recently, the eruption of an Icelandic volcano paralyzed air travel in Europe for six days, inconvenienced countless passengers around the world, and is projected to have caused airline revenue losses of at least $1.7 billion. This is the …  Continue Reading 

May 04, 2010

Rep. Marcia Fudge's floor speech on H.Res.1307

As prepared for delivery I rise today to recognize the National Science Foundation for 60 years of service in promoting the discoveries and innovations that have made this country great. As the Federal agency charged with ensuring U.S. excellence in science, engineering, and mathematics through basic research and education, the Foundation's efforts have been critical to maintaining our leadership in a competitive world. In addition to its primary mission to support fundamental …  Continue Reading 

May 04, 2010

Rep. Marcia Fudge's floor speech on H.Res.1213

As prepared for delivery H.Res.1213 recognizes the need to improve the performance of American students in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. This resolution supports the ideals of National Lab Day, a nationwide effort to connect students, STEM educators, and volunteers in building the STEM community. All children have an innate curiosity about the world around them. Research shows students begin to lose this inquisitiveness as early as middle school. …  Continue Reading 

May 04, 2010

House Passes S&T Resolutions to Honor NSF and Improve STEM Participation with Bipartisan Support

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House of Representatives approved H.Res.1307, honoring the National Science Foundation (NSF) for its 60 years of service to the nation, by a vote of 370 to 2, and H.Res.1213,recognizing the need to improve the participation and performance of America's students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields, and supporting the ideals of National Lab Day, by a vote of 378 to 2. H.Res.1307 honors NSF for the agency's 60 years of service. NSF …  Continue Reading 

April 29, 2010

Chairman Gordon Applauds Announcement of the Second Round of Funding for Transformational Technology Development

(Washington, DC) - Today, House Committee on Science and Technology Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN) applauded Vice President Joe Biden's and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu's announcement of the second round of funding awards through the Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). "I applaud all the winners-and the applicants. Our nation needs breakthroughs in technology now more than ever," said Gordon. "About half of the growth in GDP since World War II came from …  Continue Reading 

April 28, 2010

Legislation Advancing Innovation Clears Committee With Bipartisan Support

(Washington, DC) - Today, the House Committee on Science and Technology approved an Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute to HR 5116, America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 by a vote of 29 to 8.“If we are to reverse the trend of the last twenty years, where our country’s technology edge in the world has diminished, we must make the investments necessary today,” said Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN). “The statistics speak for them themselves. More than half of our economic growth …  Continue Reading 

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